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Corporate responsibility at Rampage 2017

Published on: 5 July 2017

Fulfilling our corporate responsibilities

As you may be aware during our Rampage Weekender event in April 2017 we asked local businesses to partner up with us to help sponsor obstacles. The idea behind this was to then allocate them spaces for the Rampage Event, which we asked them to raise the money for and donate all of it to their designated charities. We had a total of 36 sponsors with approximately 200 spaces reserved for them. This had the potential to raise upwards of £13,000 for their designated charities. We have gotten some great feedback so far in response to this initiative and are humbled at the thanks we have received from charities such as BraveHearts NI, an incredible charity who provide support to kids and teenagers who have congenital heart disease and a range of other charities.

We are indebted to the generous organisations who helped us in our first ever Rampage Weekender event and in turn provided much needed financial support to a range of charities as a result. We would like to thank each and every business or organisation that supported our endeavour and we hope to maintain strong and healthy relationships with you all going forward. Having the opportunity to work together in fulfilling our Corporate and Social Responsibilities is very encouraging and we believe makes a genuine difference in helping the health and prosperity of ‘our wee country’.


Company Logo stickers for Rampage logo Board (002)

Charity begins at home

Our own chosen charity for the event was The Hub in Cookstown. These guys came and supported us on the day and helped out with the event. As a result, we donated £4 from every runners ticket fee to them, raising £4500 in total. We are thrilled to be able to help these guys as they do amazing work in the local community and surrounding districts. They provide support and access to a range of groups such as the National Autistic Society, Alzheimer’s Carers Support Group, Aware Defeat Depression and a range of other fringe groups who are in need of support. These guys work tirelessly to support people in the local areas and we are privileged to be able to support them in their work, which provides real positive change to those who need it most. We work closely with the team at The Hub, as first of all, they are a wonderful group of people, but more importantly we believe that real charity is done on our doorsteps. If we can help those around us in need, then it builds a greater sense of community and encourages positive change from the ground up.

The Hub Team

The Hub group and Bobby

Rampaging on into the future

We were thrilled with the fantastic turnout and how well the event unfolded. We are very grateful to all those who were brave enough to tackle the Rampage Run and who supported us in our first Rampage Event, both Adults and Kids. It is has given us the valuable experience required to follow on and improve with our ground breaking and mud churning events. We will Rampage on into the future and add to our obstacles and throw in a few surprises along the way. For a taste of what it all involves check out the gallery below.


Why wait until next year

For those of you who missed this event and would like to give it a go, never fear, we have our annual Zombie Run kicking off on Sunday 8th October, which promises to be bigger and better than ever before. This will surely wet your appetites until next year which will see our Rampage Weekender event return, the same time next year, at the end of April.

See the links below for more information.